Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 8-#18

I currently use sitebuilder to present my information, which is the agricultural equivalent of a single-bladed, mule-drawn plow. I am a little bit embarrassed that this is what I use, but that will change shortly. I don't put anything on there now that we are moving to a new platform. Even when we have Zangle, I anticipate their will be many uses for Zoho writer. Here are some reasons I like it better than sitebuilder.

#1 I can upload documents on sitebuilder, but there is no guarantee that students will have the software necessary to open them. This isn't a problem on a document site. Additionally,

#2 They can edit texts I post. For example, I can post an online graphic organizer for a five paragraph essay. They can work with it and upload it for me to review.

#3 They can post documents for each other, perhaps for additional knowledge, perhaps for editing purposes.

#4 When they post, they familiarize themselves with a standard word processing application, that they can use anywhere, anytime. It helps the students to become tech literate.

#5 There are many more text options than sitebuilder, including being able to format and use some images in the uploaded document.

It would be really sweet if I had all my documents for my students uploaded. I had thought about Google before, and now Zoho is an option. That seems more like a summer project . . . (or more likely, a here on out project).

1 comment:

  1. It is also a great way for students to avoid platform compatibility issues like - I did it in MS Works and no computer in the building can open it but it is my homework assignment and I NEED IT! Yes, I got that a lot when I was in the HS library. ZOHO and Googledocs and a number of other options help to solve that simple problem while fostering the more collaborative and functional issues that you listed.

