I thoroughly enjoyed this (crash) course. I know I have been focusing on this class over the last few days, but I don't think I would have gotten more out of it had I spaced it out more; I would have simply spaced out more. For me, this was the perfect pace. And, I think it was the perfect amount. I have read other posts from people who wished it was longer, or had more credits involved. IMHO, cut to the credits and make a sequel. I just think that would go against some of the web 2.0 philosophy with smaller steps and mash-ups as opposed to larger eventual products, which we would need if we were going to pull 2-3 credits out of a course like this. I can honestly say that I put in the hours required to earn a graduate credit, but it would be difficult to put in three times as much effort and be successful in a project like this.
When I finally locked onto the step by step nature of the course I really appreciated it. Much like our students, we like it when it is laid out for us in a manner in which we feel we can be successful. Now you could have 23 things just for podcasting. And after the course was over teachers would have a number of lessons and lectures posted online for their students. Or 23 ways to annoy your students with music on teachertube (I am talking about myself, not about the teacher I linked, but students might be annoyed by the fact that she calls singing rap). We could take anyone of these tools more in depth in their own right.
The neat thing about technology, is that these tools will be worn-out before my career is over, perhaps before the next decade is over. There is a bit of hubris in the thinking that we know how it is going to be. The great part is watching technology change, and then watching all of us change as well.
As far as implementation, I am still stuck on the idea of a home server. That aside, I really want to make an irony wiki for my students. Irony, in its many forms, can be an elusive concept for students. I think after working with a few classes, we will have built something that students will find very useful, not to mention how useful it will be to the students who help build it, and on and on. Click the link on my link list to take you to the irony wiki.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Computadoras para toda la gente, or Ch. 8
My original certification is in English as a Second Language, so when scanning for another chapter to read, I choose chapter 8. I agree that there are many benefits to using digital curriculum, not only for students designated Limited English Proficient, but also those with diagnosed disabilities. For both, there can be a support structure set up so that they can excel. However, there is an elephant in the room that nobody notices until p. 165 when they start address in the concept of equity.
I agree that the digital curriculum presents more social flexibility and can be tailored to the individual. I agree with the importance of authentic assessment to improve learning across the board. I like the way that portfolios have changed their focus over the last few years (though, they were always thought of as constructivist. I imagine an old constructivist model is a positivist). I like that provided WiFi for lawndale, a low income neighborhood. Soon, we will have to consider the next step.
One to one schooling. A government mandate, that all students will have the technology they need to succeed. If you really want to compete on a global scale, prepare our children to do so. It isn't good enough that most already have the technology. Every school needs to provide a laptop for every student. Financially, we aren't far off. It doesn't need bells, it doesn't need whistles. Just like the school had the art supplies, but every student had a pencil, so to would the one to one student laptop. To equip my school, at $100, and we haven't quite reached that technological capability, we would need $200,000. That sounds like a lot, but when you consider that my department just asked for $50,000 to fill the book room for 11th grade English only, we could even save money. I recently heard of a laptop that cost $200. We are not far off.
I agree that the digital curriculum presents more social flexibility and can be tailored to the individual. I agree with the importance of authentic assessment to improve learning across the board. I like the way that portfolios have changed their focus over the last few years (though, they were always thought of as constructivist. I imagine an old constructivist model is a positivist). I like that provided WiFi for lawndale, a low income neighborhood. Soon, we will have to consider the next step.
One to one schooling. A government mandate, that all students will have the technology they need to succeed. If you really want to compete on a global scale, prepare our children to do so. It isn't good enough that most already have the technology. Every school needs to provide a laptop for every student. Financially, we aren't far off. It doesn't need bells, it doesn't need whistles. Just like the school had the art supplies, but every student had a pencil, so to would the one to one student laptop. To equip my school, at $100, and we haven't quite reached that technological capability, we would need $200,000. That sounds like a lot, but when you consider that my department just asked for $50,000 to fill the book room for 11th grade English only, we could even save money. I recently heard of a laptop that cost $200. We are not far off.
Al infinito, y mas alla, or Ch. 9
On 178, it talks about harnessing data, and wonders, why there isn't an education company that can use a model similar to Ebay or Amazon. In a way, there is. I can't remember the name of the product, but it actually grades writing and provides feedback and exercises to increase different areas of need. Wow! Instead of feeling threatened, as some of my colleagues were, I thought, where can I get that? If a student is constantly making the same grammar error, I have to sit down, correct it, give a mini-lesson, run off some exercises, and then go over them. This program does all of that, on its own.
I like the blissful optimism at the end of the Long Tail. Someday we might have infinite curricular options, as technology will set us free. Keep in mind, before the internet, there were still millions of books, many of them written by Americans. I am only able to teach 15 different novels. Curricular freedom seems to come and go, depending on the political tide. I don't think the access to different literature is going to help. Differing viewpoints on the literature we are allowed to study, will, so in that regard it will liberate how the preset curriculum is viewed.
I think that open source software will continue to thrive.
I like the section called textbooks. I have textbooks in case the power goes out. Other than that, it's all online. With that comes the responsibility to become an online creator. I am not saying every teacher should be able to write code. I am saying that even though I don't know how to make a battery, I know how to hook one up. I know how to change the oil, and the filter, even if I don't know how to cast the steel to make the engine. There is a need for professional development so that we can learn how to change the spark plugs.
If you've read any of my other posts, you probably know how I feel about nationwide broad band and net neutrality. Yes, and yes.
At the end of it all, we need to be as open-minded as possible about the possibilities of the internet. Some of the statements from just one decade ago, seem narrow-minded to the point of being anachronistic. These days, everyone is teaching Sci-fi.
I like the blissful optimism at the end of the Long Tail. Someday we might have infinite curricular options, as technology will set us free. Keep in mind, before the internet, there were still millions of books, many of them written by Americans. I am only able to teach 15 different novels. Curricular freedom seems to come and go, depending on the political tide. I don't think the access to different literature is going to help. Differing viewpoints on the literature we are allowed to study, will, so in that regard it will liberate how the preset curriculum is viewed.
I think that open source software will continue to thrive.
I like the section called textbooks. I have textbooks in case the power goes out. Other than that, it's all online. With that comes the responsibility to become an online creator. I am not saying every teacher should be able to write code. I am saying that even though I don't know how to make a battery, I know how to hook one up. I know how to change the oil, and the filter, even if I don't know how to cast the steel to make the engine. There is a need for professional development so that we can learn how to change the spark plugs.
If you've read any of my other posts, you probably know how I feel about nationwide broad band and net neutrality. Yes, and yes.
At the end of it all, we need to be as open-minded as possible about the possibilities of the internet. Some of the statements from just one decade ago, seem narrow-minded to the point of being anachronistic. These days, everyone is teaching Sci-fi.
Week 9-#22
Well, I kind of jumped the gun on this one, though I should have seen it coming. That being said, I love the Gutenberg project as it really coincides with my philosophy of education for everyone; it provides access and therefore, liberation. I give both sites my full recommendation.
I am going to take the rest of this post and divert it toward a discussion on copyright. I am conflicted on the topic. On one hand, I believe the artist should be paid, on the other, I don't think digital transfer should cost the same as actual goods (books, cd's, dvd's, etc.). I don't think the artists get a larger percent of profit for a digital transfer, but you can bet Sony does. Previously, we needed recording labels to press thousands and millions of recordings. As an industry, this just happened in the last century. Now, we don't need them. This is no longer a viable industry, unless what they sell is the packaging, or fan clubs, or miscellaneous materials. I can understand that the recording companies are very worried. They should simply be gone. Am I saying people should download these illegally? No. I am saying that they should support artist that are independent of this power structure.
But it doesn't happen that way. The industry is tied to other monoliths, so Brittany sells Pespi which is a partner company of the label she's on, who owns a chain of theaters, that show a commercial, before the movie, and she's on the soundtrack . . .
One of the arguments is 'we won't have quality if we don't have the institutions to produce our art.' That doesn't seem to be the case. The same quality will exist, to some degree there will be even more quantity of 'quality' works, yet it will be inside a greater body of works that are created overall. Meaning, everyone is a producer in this circumstance. We are asked to be even more cognizant consumers. Hopefully, people create their own culture, as opposed to having a commodity made for them.
What about the question of correctly recognizing those who created it? What about plagiarism, teacher? I think in the digital age, it has never been easier to plagiarize. Yet at the same time, it also has never been easier to claim credit. Post your idea first, and you can always go back to the original time stamp. If it is original, then you have the original idea. However, from an academic standpoint, we have to demonstrate how to properly cite others as we work toward new and improved ideas. The rules have changed some, but not that much. An MLA citation from a Journal, is not that different from one from an online Journal article.
I am going to take the rest of this post and divert it toward a discussion on copyright. I am conflicted on the topic. On one hand, I believe the artist should be paid, on the other, I don't think digital transfer should cost the same as actual goods (books, cd's, dvd's, etc.). I don't think the artists get a larger percent of profit for a digital transfer, but you can bet Sony does. Previously, we needed recording labels to press thousands and millions of recordings. As an industry, this just happened in the last century. Now, we don't need them. This is no longer a viable industry, unless what they sell is the packaging, or fan clubs, or miscellaneous materials. I can understand that the recording companies are very worried. They should simply be gone. Am I saying people should download these illegally? No. I am saying that they should support artist that are independent of this power structure.
But it doesn't happen that way. The industry is tied to other monoliths, so Brittany sells Pespi which is a partner company of the label she's on, who owns a chain of theaters, that show a commercial, before the movie, and she's on the soundtrack . . .
One of the arguments is 'we won't have quality if we don't have the institutions to produce our art.' That doesn't seem to be the case. The same quality will exist, to some degree there will be even more quantity of 'quality' works, yet it will be inside a greater body of works that are created overall. Meaning, everyone is a producer in this circumstance. We are asked to be even more cognizant consumers. Hopefully, people create their own culture, as opposed to having a commodity made for them.
What about the question of correctly recognizing those who created it? What about plagiarism, teacher? I think in the digital age, it has never been easier to plagiarize. Yet at the same time, it also has never been easier to claim credit. Post your idea first, and you can always go back to the original time stamp. If it is original, then you have the original idea. However, from an academic standpoint, we have to demonstrate how to properly cite others as we work toward new and improved ideas. The rules have changed some, but not that much. An MLA citation from a Journal, is not that different from one from an online Journal article.
Ethics over hate, or Ch. 7
Internet security is a very real concern for all educators. We've already seen unfortunate cases where children were victimized through the internet. I am going to separate three types, that of predators outside schools, the dissemination of hate outside schools, and cyber-bullying inside schools, so that I can discuss them individually.
The sexual predation is the worst thing about the internet, that I can think of. People that would normally have severe restrictions on their spatial relation to children, found ways to contact them through the internet. This led to tremendous concern, and eventually, a number of different measures, including such restrictions as no unsupervised use of the internet. As the book says some school districts have gone to shutting down chat all together to eliminate the risk. This may be a necessary evil, as there would be few times that students could use it purposefully. Math chat, like an online math tutor, or real time cyber pen pals in a foreign language come to mind. In this case, the internet is a new avenue for this type of violence. Whatever it takes, we need to make the internet safe for children.
In my opinion, one thing the chapter could emphasize more, is the excessive hate on the internet. Now people can anonymously burn digital crosses, with little or no accountability. In a way, it is comforting to know how bad some people are under all of their masks. One needs to read a few postings from Craigslist's rants and raves to see that there are a few racists left in our society. This is a way that the internet has given new access to violence.
Cyber-bulling is very real, and very serious. However, as opposed to the other two I have presented, I don't think the internet presents an avenue that wasn't there before. Yes there always was sexual predators, hate mongers and bullies, but in the case of the other two, it gave access that wasn't there. Cyber-bullying does offer a different avenue, but I think face to face bullying is still just as prevalent, and in the larger scheme of things, worse. I have seen very compelling cases on this subject, but I don't think the internet has granted access that wasn't there before. Indeed, now the text, the post, the email has a trace that can be tracked, unlike the comment in the hall, or the phone call.
I think the most powerful weapon against all three is the creation of a code of ethics. I think the one on 147 would work just fine, but it would be more powerful to have group input into the creation of the ethics, with solid guidance, of course. Preparation before the students get online can help them make the appropriate decision if they encounter a threat online. It can help them analyze the beliefs of others, so they can evaluate the arguments, (or lack thereof) themselves. Hopefully, a code of ethics would help prevent cyber-bullying, but also, preparation would train students how to respond in the case that it did happen.
I know I left out the part on copyright, but I am going to talk about that during my Podcast post.
The sexual predation is the worst thing about the internet, that I can think of. People that would normally have severe restrictions on their spatial relation to children, found ways to contact them through the internet. This led to tremendous concern, and eventually, a number of different measures, including such restrictions as no unsupervised use of the internet. As the book says some school districts have gone to shutting down chat all together to eliminate the risk. This may be a necessary evil, as there would be few times that students could use it purposefully. Math chat, like an online math tutor, or real time cyber pen pals in a foreign language come to mind. In this case, the internet is a new avenue for this type of violence. Whatever it takes, we need to make the internet safe for children.
In my opinion, one thing the chapter could emphasize more, is the excessive hate on the internet. Now people can anonymously burn digital crosses, with little or no accountability. In a way, it is comforting to know how bad some people are under all of their masks. One needs to read a few postings from Craigslist's rants and raves to see that there are a few racists left in our society. This is a way that the internet has given new access to violence.
Cyber-bulling is very real, and very serious. However, as opposed to the other two I have presented, I don't think the internet presents an avenue that wasn't there before. Yes there always was sexual predators, hate mongers and bullies, but in the case of the other two, it gave access that wasn't there. Cyber-bullying does offer a different avenue, but I think face to face bullying is still just as prevalent, and in the larger scheme of things, worse. I have seen very compelling cases on this subject, but I don't think the internet has granted access that wasn't there before. Indeed, now the text, the post, the email has a trace that can be tracked, unlike the comment in the hall, or the phone call.
I think the most powerful weapon against all three is the creation of a code of ethics. I think the one on 147 would work just fine, but it would be more powerful to have group input into the creation of the ethics, with solid guidance, of course. Preparation before the students get online can help them make the appropriate decision if they encounter a threat online. It can help them analyze the beliefs of others, so they can evaluate the arguments, (or lack thereof) themselves. Hopefully, a code of ethics would help prevent cyber-bullying, but also, preparation would train students how to respond in the case that it did happen.
I know I left out the part on copyright, but I am going to talk about that during my Podcast post.
Week 9-#21
Ahh, podcasts. A few years ago the district was awash in training on podcasting. After the initial honeymoon, they seemed to fade. Perhaps with the onset of video sharing sites, they became a little less brilliant. I haven't used podcasting, even after my training. But I think I will, even as early as this year. I'll talk about some of the site hunting I did, and then I will talk about just a few applications that I will have in my classroom.
Was it just me, or did these come in two types, non-functional or commercial. I am just going to double check so that I don't make a fool of myself. Podcast.net didn't open up. Podcast alley worked. I was able to find Huckleberry Finn last night. EPN works, but only has 59 podcasts at the high school level (I know, 'well, get busy, high school teacher'). Teacher content was a $$$ site and techsavygirlz has an error when you go to archive. So I am going to suggest and view my own that I have been using for a few years, and that is functional and non-commercial: Libravox! I am sure creative commons references them. For me they are great. If it is in the public domain, I know I can use it. It sounds like Litoutloud is doing something similar, but for some reason Libravox sounds a little more grassroots. Having audio of the readings is useful, and sometimes essential, as I have had students with IEP's that require it. I love the concept. Volunteers working to create an online audio library for everyone.
They only use . . . I just looked at thing #22, and guess what is there . . .
Was it just me, or did these come in two types, non-functional or commercial. I am just going to double check so that I don't make a fool of myself. Podcast.net didn't open up. Podcast alley worked. I was able to find Huckleberry Finn last night. EPN works, but only has 59 podcasts at the high school level (I know, 'well, get busy, high school teacher'). Teacher content was a $$$ site and techsavygirlz has an error when you go to archive. So I am going to suggest and view my own that I have been using for a few years, and that is functional and non-commercial: Libravox! I am sure creative commons references them. For me they are great. If it is in the public domain, I know I can use it. It sounds like Litoutloud is doing something similar, but for some reason Libravox sounds a little more grassroots. Having audio of the readings is useful, and sometimes essential, as I have had students with IEP's that require it. I love the concept. Volunteers working to create an online audio library for everyone.
They only use . . . I just looked at thing #22, and guess what is there . . .
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Web, Woah Nelly, or Ch. 1
I agree it is important to provide the best practice possible. The onset of new technologies has opened up a brand new world of teaching technologies and methods. It is important to help students understand, use and adapt this technology for themselves. I also agree the world is being 'flattened'. We are one global community.
What I don't buy is the fear this book is putting off. Learn or we will lose jobs. 'They' are harder working, smarter, faster, and they are coming for our lunch. Teach, or die. I've just seen enough general panic in my life to remain unruffled by this. Trust me. I've survived Satanists, nuclear war, Y2K, and a reactor in Switzerland. What is the worst that will happen from this? I'll have a neighbor named Diment and another named Zeng. I, and the United States, will be better for it.
Yes, in some comparisons, Uncle Sam looks like he is getting whipped. Just because a car pulls forward at a stop sign doesn't mean you are driving in reverse. I see the process as a normalizing of the worlds intellectual and economic resources. The people that struggle with this are those that believe that the United States clawed its way to the top over all these other nations. In actuality, we didn't pull ahead; all the others went in reverse at a stoplight called World War II. With all the other players roughed up a bit, we were able to advance in their stead. It didn't hurt that we had access to a relatively raw Western Hemisphere to work with.
So, I agree with Chapter One, except for the heavy underlying xenophobia. We have a responsibility to educate for the individual's sake. When that is taken care of, the institutional mass takes care of itself. We need to teach web 2.0 so the students can be creative, productive and literate citizens of the world. When they can do that, I am sure they will make their employers happy.
What I don't buy is the fear this book is putting off. Learn or we will lose jobs. 'They' are harder working, smarter, faster, and they are coming for our lunch. Teach, or die. I've just seen enough general panic in my life to remain unruffled by this. Trust me. I've survived Satanists, nuclear war, Y2K, and a reactor in Switzerland. What is the worst that will happen from this? I'll have a neighbor named Diment and another named Zeng. I, and the United States, will be better for it.
Yes, in some comparisons, Uncle Sam looks like he is getting whipped. Just because a car pulls forward at a stop sign doesn't mean you are driving in reverse. I see the process as a normalizing of the worlds intellectual and economic resources. The people that struggle with this are those that believe that the United States clawed its way to the top over all these other nations. In actuality, we didn't pull ahead; all the others went in reverse at a stoplight called World War II. With all the other players roughed up a bit, we were able to advance in their stead. It didn't hurt that we had access to a relatively raw Western Hemisphere to work with.
So, I agree with Chapter One, except for the heavy underlying xenophobia. We have a responsibility to educate for the individual's sake. When that is taken care of, the institutional mass takes care of itself. We need to teach web 2.0 so the students can be creative, productive and literate citizens of the world. When they can do that, I am sure they will make their employers happy.
Week 9-#20
I like TeacherTube, and not just because it allows me to watch videos in class.
For each lecture segment of any given lesson, you could have one student who's classroom job is to video (they would fight for this one) and you post your lessons online. Even if you didn't have an extra camera, but you had a smartboard, you could create a video for students that would provide reinforcement, or the initial lesson if they were absent. Additionally, students could create videos for each other. As we know, teaching is pretty high up the taxonomy, so any time I can switch roles with them at the podium, I take advantage.
On a different note, part of me wants to be a teachertube star. Much like video killed the radio star, now Youtube has done a number on the videostar. I have fantasized in the past of using silly videos to teach with, but also motorvate. If you didn't miss a class, you'd unlock this video. If you improved your grade this much, a different one. For some reason, I am drawn to parody videos, perhaps it was too much wierd Al growing up. I'd like to have one that parodies 'thug life' with 'teach life' to the tune of Wanksta, 50 cent, er, 50 percent. Or one called 'Mr. Sunday Night Special' that is set to the Lynyrd Skynyrd Mr. Saturday Night Special. My version would be all about plagiarism, and I could eventually cut and burn plagiarized papers (skeet shoot? dynamite? I am not big on plagiarism.)
For the time being, I look to TeacherTube as a resource in the classroom, but it could be so much more, in and out of the classroom.
Week 8-#19
I could see LibraryThing as a useful application in the classroom. If students had their own attached to their own blogs, they could put in the books we had read. Also, in the case of literature circles, they would have their individual choices. Additionally, they could put in other books they like to create a classroom community of readers, and extend to an online community of readers. I think this site would be less likely to assist in academic dishonesty. For example, many Yahoo Q & A seem like they come from an essay question.
Week 8-#18
I currently use sitebuilder to present my information, which is the agricultural equivalent of a single-bladed, mule-drawn plow. I am a little bit embarrassed that this is what I use, but that will change shortly. I don't put anything on there now that we are moving to a new platform. Even when we have Zangle, I anticipate their will be many uses for Zoho writer. Here are some reasons I like it better than sitebuilder.
#1 I can upload documents on sitebuilder, but there is no guarantee that students will have the software necessary to open them. This isn't a problem on a document site. Additionally,
#2 They can edit texts I post. For example, I can post an online graphic organizer for a five paragraph essay. They can work with it and upload it for me to review.
#3 They can post documents for each other, perhaps for additional knowledge, perhaps for editing purposes.
#4 When they post, they familiarize themselves with a standard word processing application, that they can use anywhere, anytime. It helps the students to become tech literate.
#5 There are many more text options than sitebuilder, including being able to format and use some images in the uploaded document.
It would be really sweet if I had all my documents for my students uploaded. I had thought about Google before, and now Zoho is an option. That seems more like a summer project . . . (or more likely, a here on out project).
#1 I can upload documents on sitebuilder, but there is no guarantee that students will have the software necessary to open them. This isn't a problem on a document site. Additionally,
#2 They can edit texts I post. For example, I can post an online graphic organizer for a five paragraph essay. They can work with it and upload it for me to review.
#3 They can post documents for each other, perhaps for additional knowledge, perhaps for editing purposes.
#4 When they post, they familiarize themselves with a standard word processing application, that they can use anywhere, anytime. It helps the students to become tech literate.
#5 There are many more text options than sitebuilder, including being able to format and use some images in the uploaded document.
It would be really sweet if I had all my documents for my students uploaded. I had thought about Google before, and now Zoho is an option. That seems more like a summer project . . . (or more likely, a here on out project).
Monday, April 13, 2009
Week 7-#17
I have a tired old lesson that I think would work well in a wiki.
The Armory Show of 1913 is a hallmark of the beginning of the Modern period in literature. This show, complete with cubism, surrealism and dadaism, set us on our red-blooded American ears. The reviews of the art work are a lesson in and of themselves.
My Armory Show unit combines literature, art and critical theory, to create a literary paper. The learner finds a piece of art that appeals to them. Then, they find a piece of literature we have read that has some similarities in content and form. Then, they choose one of four modernist thinkers to assist their critical perspective. As you can imagine, this unit is received with mixed reviews.
I think opening it up digitally might be just what the doctor ordered. As exciting as literary criticism is for a 15 year-old, they might be interested in adding some artistic aspect to an online wiki, with pictures if nothing else. There was an artistic component, as the student made a piece of art (poetry, story, painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) that was informed by the other three components. This could be photographed or posted online, depending on the medium.
Week 7-#16
I really like the concept of using wikis in classrooms. Ideally, I'd like to have one like Westwood's http://westwood.wikispaces.com/, but I understand that is the effort of a whole school. One very encouraging aspect of their wiki is the halls of fame. They have one that is featured in a Thomas Friedman article, which I will come back to later.
The three reasons I like wikis are: Interest level, Product-based outcomes, and Collaborative learning.
As much as we say this generation is immersed in technology, it has yet to become ordinary. They love it, and what's not to love. Compare a color filled computer screen, which they can perfect to their liking to demonstrate their learning, to a lined sheet of notebook paper. I can't even stand it, with that confetti left over from where it was ripped out. Even a boring site is tidier than a boring paper. And what about handwriting? Even though I like my script, mine is the most illegible of all. Come to think of it, I am surprised I use paper at all!
Do you remember attending school, sometimes thinking, 'this is pure busy work'? As an educator have you ever been implicitly aware that you were assigning busy work? With a bit of shame I know I have (hey, this grade book isn't filling itself). As my assessments have progressed, I've sought items that direct the learners to an eventual product. Whatever we are learning, it should eventually build to something meaningful. The wikis demand this. The students will be just a click away from being viewed by there peers. This tends to make them work harder. If I have students take poster notes, at least they put something down, and some of them wouldn't if they were the only ones to see it. Beyond that, it connects their learning toward a meaningful end.
Collaborative learning is really the way. I have never been the knowledgeable authority. When students come to me looking for black and white, I only offer shades of gray. I envy my sister the math teacher, a2 + b2 = c2. A student asked me "do you capitalize summer?" They really wanted a yes or no answer, but they got, "you don't capitalize this spring, but you do capitalize the Summer of '69." They probably won't write the word for another decade. What can I do? I can't dispense rules for why kernel and Colonel are pronounced the same. Or as the late great George Carlin put it "we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway." The study of the English language has been a collaboration since it's beginnings. Back to the point of wikis, the learner is the authority, and vice versa. "Which one is right, I sent them a text, or I texted them?" "I don't know, what do you think?" "I think I texted them sounds dumb." "But do people use it?" "Yes, but I don't."
On a last note, there are a number of different sources of how to handle negative influences on open collaborative projects. Certainly the students of Westwood featured in a Thomas Friedman novel wouldn't do anything to undermine the learning process, but some of my solution students might. I haven't worked with them enough to know how bad it could be, but the possibility exists. Really, when I think about it, it is no different that anatomizing Walt Whitman in my textbooks. Indeed, clean up is a little easier!
Week 6-#15
Let a tear roll slowly down Dewey's cheek. Let the stern faced stereotypical librarian dress in black. Let us bow our heads as the casket passes. Let us mourn the passing of the vacant temple.
Access is liberation is the polar statement of my teaching philosophy, with its counterpoint; denial is oppression. Only free men could seek a 'liberal' education--an education that wasn't directly tied to the service they provided. Knowledge was (and is) a commodity unto itself. Gutenberg (among others) proliferated knowledge, yet it was still in control of those in power. It wasn't until the 19th century that public libraries started to crop up. This is essential to the concept of a literate and informed democracy.
Still, the books cost money, and the source of the money was tied to whichever political faction held the reigns. Digital transfer has liberated the individual in a way that has never been experienced before. They say that at 20 million books in the Library of Congress, and at 1 MB a book, one can now house the books in the library of Congress with under $2000. Woah!
Furthermore, we are not stopping. This is an article from almost three years ago.
"Renugopalakrishnan says the new protein-based DVD will have advantages over current optical storage devices (such as the Blue-ray). It will be able to store at least 20 times more than the Blue-ray and eventually even up to 50,000 gigabytes (about 50 terabytes) of information, he says. Membrane proteins These membrane proteins are being used to generate the first protein-based information storage system to store terabytes of information The star at the centre of the high-capacity DVD is a light-activated protein found in the membrane of a salt marsh microbe Halobacterium salinarum. The protein, called bacteriorhodopsin (bR), captures and stores sunlight to convert it to chemical energy."
That's two and a half libraries of congress in a single DVD. If it were more than books, it would be approximately 60 of these discs.
We have the capacity to store more information than we will be able to consume in our lifetimes. I hope print libraries survive, if nothing else, but for the charm. However, much more important, is the necessity of access to information that our democracy demands. How we ensure this in the future is the key to the shape of the libraries of the future. At the same time, it isn't about text 1.0, it's about interacting. So instead of libraries being sources of information, they need to be centers where information can be utilized at an advanced level. There are many people who won't recognize the necessity of ensuring technology for everyone. Everyone needs access to technology to participate in today's democracy. Libraries will have to fill this role.
Access is liberation is the polar statement of my teaching philosophy, with its counterpoint; denial is oppression. Only free men could seek a 'liberal' education--an education that wasn't directly tied to the service they provided. Knowledge was (and is) a commodity unto itself. Gutenberg (among others) proliferated knowledge, yet it was still in control of those in power. It wasn't until the 19th century that public libraries started to crop up. This is essential to the concept of a literate and informed democracy.
Still, the books cost money, and the source of the money was tied to whichever political faction held the reigns. Digital transfer has liberated the individual in a way that has never been experienced before. They say that at 20 million books in the Library of Congress, and at 1 MB a book, one can now house the books in the library of Congress with under $2000. Woah!
Furthermore, we are not stopping. This is an article from almost three years ago.
"Renugopalakrishnan says the new protein-based DVD will have advantages over current optical storage devices (such as the Blue-ray). It will be able to store at least 20 times more than the Blue-ray and eventually even up to 50,000 gigabytes (about 50 terabytes) of information, he says. Membrane proteins These membrane proteins are being used to generate the first protein-based information storage system to store terabytes of information The star at the centre of the high-capacity DVD is a light-activated protein found in the membrane of a salt marsh microbe Halobacterium salinarum. The protein, called bacteriorhodopsin (bR), captures and stores sunlight to convert it to chemical energy."
That's two and a half libraries of congress in a single DVD. If it were more than books, it would be approximately 60 of these discs.
We have the capacity to store more information than we will be able to consume in our lifetimes. I hope print libraries survive, if nothing else, but for the charm. However, much more important, is the necessity of access to information that our democracy demands. How we ensure this in the future is the key to the shape of the libraries of the future. At the same time, it isn't about text 1.0, it's about interacting. So instead of libraries being sources of information, they need to be centers where information can be utilized at an advanced level. There are many people who won't recognize the necessity of ensuring technology for everyone. Everyone needs access to technology to participate in today's democracy. Libraries will have to fill this role.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Week 6-#14
I noticed that performing different searches yielded different results. I got more hits searching the blogs than the tags, which seems natural. This emphasizes the need to know how to search properly. Anymore, it's not just knowing what you are looking for, it's knowing how to search for it that is the question.
I think tagging will be more useful the more that students use them. As it progresses, i think it will be like using an index is now. Some students use it almost on instinct. Others think an index is a finger (no, kids, not that finger). To be useful, I would have to incorporate activities to teach the students that don't use them, (can you say treasure hunt). I would have to create a classroom community that used them often, so often that not using them would seem unnatural.
I certainly think there are topical possibilities (the election), and a virtually inexhaustible resource of op-ed pieces. But what about my content? With blogs being opened up daily, shouldn't some one have (I still can't cut and paste . . .) literary criticism for kids? In quotes, it yields nothing. There certainly are applications for my content area. However, there aren't applications for all aspects of my content area.
"well, why don't YOU start the literary criticism for kids blog?"
Hey, I just barely got my taxes done--three cheers for turbo tax, tech and the internet!
Week 6-#13
One person I don't admire, is the one in any class who just critiques any new information. This is for a few reasons. The first, it's too easy to be a naysayer. We can find fault in anything and in fact, I think it is a defense mechanism for some students. It's way too easy to throw up the hands and say "well, how would that work in the classroom." When people do this I often translate it inside my head as, "I am confused, and scared and I would rather think negatively about this than admit the first two." I am at risk of this with my two posts about the rss search engines and voice thread.
With this disclaimer, I would use voice threads if they were free for me. I would use whichever search engine works best (please, somebody unseat google).
Del.icio.us is a tool I can use. In the classroom I could see setting up a number of addresses for research topics and have them attached to my profile so the students could have easy access to them, and eventually would attach them to their own. TeacherTube is the first. They could also have their own that would in turn, improve the others in the community.
On an 'I'm confused and scared' sidenote, I haven't fully accepted digital social networking. I kind of abhor it in 'real time'. The thought of 'knowing people to get known' smacks of disingenuous social climbing, which if you do in the education field, I always kind of envisioned like taking steriods to play tee-ball. So to transfer that to the digital realm, I've always been apprehensive about nings, or my space, or facebook.
Last night I got a new take on it. My sister and brother-in-law are big into facebook. Sure, they have a bunch of people they don't know in their 'mafia', but it also helps them keep track of those they love. They are able to keep in contact with his family in Georgia. My cousin in law posted her name change, moments after the processional. Years ago, a buddy asked me to do facebook and I said 'no way'. I kind of regret that. So, I'll get on soon, and hope that I use it for the meaningful and not for the trivial.
Week 5-#12
It doesn't seem to let me cut and paste my blog posts :(
When I try it appears below and then doesn't show up on the post.
Any hints?
I can put it in the comments section. Does that count for one of my five, Ann?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Week 5-#11
I started searching .Docstoc, but I realized, I should find something that doesn't have to do directly with teaching--I am immersed in it. Then I was going to go to Revolution Health, but I wasn't feeling that healthy. I suppose I am sort of a hypochondriac, and I am sure I could find something wrong with me through their symptom finder. I read about all I wanted on fishhook eye injuries. I recognized Craigslist but thought, been there done that--it did remind me to check quick to see if there were any gear deals.
So I decided to go to Yelp and read some food reviews. I was disappointed not that neither of my favorite thai places were on there. I understand that it is my etribe duty to participate, but I don't for reasons stated below. Club Paris is still highly regarded, as is Bear's Tooth Grill. Last time I was at Club Paris half the steak was the way I like it, half was overdone. What do you expect from a steakhouse that used to be a morgue? The animal teeth put the rage back in Anchorage, but outside of being trendy, I don't see their appeal. I don't like cornmeal pizza, or cornstarch fries, so I am kind of out of luck when I go. It's where yuppie meets hippie, even though these are two contrasting ideals. So the Socs and the Greasers are now socialist swine and capitalist pigs all feeding down at the tie-dye trough.
So where do I eat? Well, I think of good restaurants similarly to good fishing holes; they are ruined the more people that come. You'll have to read someone else's blog to find Anchorage's hidden dining gems.
So I decided to go to Yelp and read some food reviews. I was disappointed not that neither of my favorite thai places were on there. I understand that it is my etribe duty to participate, but I don't for reasons stated below. Club Paris is still highly regarded, as is Bear's Tooth Grill. Last time I was at Club Paris half the steak was the way I like it, half was overdone. What do you expect from a steakhouse that used to be a morgue? The animal teeth put the rage back in Anchorage, but outside of being trendy, I don't see their appeal. I don't like cornmeal pizza, or cornstarch fries, so I am kind of out of luck when I go. It's where yuppie meets hippie, even though these are two contrasting ideals. So the Socs and the Greasers are now socialist swine and capitalist pigs all feeding down at the tie-dye trough.
So where do I eat? Well, I think of good restaurants similarly to good fishing holes; they are ruined the more people that come. You'll have to read someone else's blog to find Anchorage's hidden dining gems.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Week 5-#10

If I were to teach digital design and media, I would probably have a weekly image editor, simply because they are so much fun. It is something the students already love to do, as they are probably at web 3.0 at this point. I will use it in my classroom, whether I teach 10th or 11th grade next year. At this point, I've been using it to entertain my family. This is my niece Caitlin.
Week 4-#9
I don’t like Google. I don’t like that they are the end-all, be-all search engine. I’d like it if there weren’t a monopoly. I’d like it if there were a number of efficient search engines to choose from, each with it’s own plusses and minuses. I’d like it if Google wasn’t some all reaching, big brother, tracking our searches, knowing all about us. Regardless of what I like, they are.
For example, we are all blogging on a subsidiary of Google. Many of my collegues use Google docs, or their conversion calculators, or maps, or their ever-effective search engine. They have altered our English language. Don’t believe me? Google it!
I worked hard to do what I could to manipulate the Google system. I think my results speak for themselves, as I turned from a third page nobody to the number 1 (my name here) in the Google universe. I think it helps my students, if not my ego.
The reason they are so successful above all others is: they work. Others are unwieldly, send you too much product information, or seemingly don’t know what you are looking for. Using the rss search sites, I searched a favorite topic of mine: Joe Montana. A friend of mine claims I try to work his name into any conversation over 20 min. It is surprising then to see that this is his first mention in this blog.
With the other search engines, this is what I got:
MSU students win Goldwater awards
QB Garcia is signed as backup to Russell
A Tok man apologized to the man whose teeth he kicked out a year and a half ago
Along with a bunch of Hanana Montana, a bears joke, an update on Nate Montana at notre Dame and where Nick Montana might go to school.
From Google, at least every rss hit had Joe Montana in it, not the state, not the pop star, and only the last one mentioned one of his sons. I hate to admit it, but if you want to be the champ, you have to beat the champ, and I still find Google a better source for rss feeds than these.
For example, we are all blogging on a subsidiary of Google. Many of my collegues use Google docs, or their conversion calculators, or maps, or their ever-effective search engine. They have altered our English language. Don’t believe me? Google it!
I worked hard to do what I could to manipulate the Google system. I think my results speak for themselves, as I turned from a third page nobody to the number 1 (my name here) in the Google universe. I think it helps my students, if not my ego.
The reason they are so successful above all others is: they work. Others are unwieldly, send you too much product information, or seemingly don’t know what you are looking for. Using the rss search sites, I searched a favorite topic of mine: Joe Montana. A friend of mine claims I try to work his name into any conversation over 20 min. It is surprising then to see that this is his first mention in this blog.
With the other search engines, this is what I got:
MSU students win Goldwater awards
QB Garcia is signed as backup to Russell
A Tok man apologized to the man whose teeth he kicked out a year and a half ago
Along with a bunch of Hanana Montana, a bears joke, an update on Nate Montana at notre Dame and where Nick Montana might go to school.
From Google, at least every rss hit had Joe Montana in it, not the state, not the pop star, and only the last one mentioned one of his sons. I hate to admit it, but if you want to be the champ, you have to beat the champ, and I still find Google a better source for rss feeds than these.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Week 4-Thing #8
As a matter of spiritual sacrifice, my brother and I have given up surfing the internet until Easter. As well, I have given up red meat and heavy caffeine. All of these come with some sense of gray area, what is pork, what about green tea, and what if I am researching a product I intend to buy? Nonetheless, I haven't watched any funny video on the net for over a month, and it was pretty much a daily mainstay before.
I think RSS will be the new news. We'll all have our settings for one thing or another. Personally, I like having Dilbert's Strip o' the Day, delivered daily to my computer screen. However, there is a need to consume carefully, lest we become compulsive consumers of vapid infotainment.
I'll start with a few anecdotes. My department chair and I were talking about one of the mass emails that was sent out to the district. It was one of those vague 'don't-misuse-internet' emails that crop up this time of year to remind us not to reply-all the whole district to say 'vote Quimby'. That being said, there is a certain amount of internalized guilt that many of us suffer from, and we quickly considered 'was that sent out to me?' I was thinking about the time I had wasted researching a product I wanted to buy, time wasted that I could have been working on this, or maybe should have been putting more effort into my teaching (I am proctoring a test right now, periodically making laps). My department chair said he was self-conscious about the time he had spent checking stocks online. Another colleague, coincidently another department chair, said that he spent a ton of time checking the Huffington Post. While my brother was working on his doctorate, he changed the settings on his computer to re-route him to a research site when he looked up the Onion, or college humor.
What I mean to say is that the internet can be used compulsively. That it seems odd, but people are compelled to see what Ford stock is doing, to see the latest moped crash, or perhaps the worst of all, to see what to buy next. The internet is a great tool, but at the same time, a great distraction. The same place that is used to cure cancer, now also delivers Dilbert. If you're a person who gets distracted by that, then you will be. Then, you need discipline, or some external filter to keep from being distracted. I know I can waste some time on the internet, so I choose to avoid it while I am at work. I already click craigslist music 3-4 times a day, I don't need anymore sources for distraction. I think RSS is a useful tool, but I probably wouldn't use it, because I know I use it to much and might simply drown in a deluge of infotainment.
I think RSS will be the new news. We'll all have our settings for one thing or another. Personally, I like having Dilbert's Strip o' the Day, delivered daily to my computer screen. However, there is a need to consume carefully, lest we become compulsive consumers of vapid infotainment.
I'll start with a few anecdotes. My department chair and I were talking about one of the mass emails that was sent out to the district. It was one of those vague 'don't-misuse-internet' emails that crop up this time of year to remind us not to reply-all the whole district to say 'vote Quimby'. That being said, there is a certain amount of internalized guilt that many of us suffer from, and we quickly considered 'was that sent out to me?' I was thinking about the time I had wasted researching a product I wanted to buy, time wasted that I could have been working on this, or maybe should have been putting more effort into my teaching (I am proctoring a test right now, periodically making laps). My department chair said he was self-conscious about the time he had spent checking stocks online. Another colleague, coincidently another department chair, said that he spent a ton of time checking the Huffington Post. While my brother was working on his doctorate, he changed the settings on his computer to re-route him to a research site when he looked up the Onion, or college humor.
What I mean to say is that the internet can be used compulsively. That it seems odd, but people are compelled to see what Ford stock is doing, to see the latest moped crash, or perhaps the worst of all, to see what to buy next. The internet is a great tool, but at the same time, a great distraction. The same place that is used to cure cancer, now also delivers Dilbert. If you're a person who gets distracted by that, then you will be. Then, you need discipline, or some external filter to keep from being distracted. I know I can waste some time on the internet, so I choose to avoid it while I am at work. I already click craigslist music 3-4 times a day, I don't need anymore sources for distraction. I think RSS is a useful tool, but I probably wouldn't use it, because I know I use it to much and might simply drown in a deluge of infotainment.
Week 3-Thing #7
Anything technology related?
Home servers.
I am interested in creating my own home server for a number of reasons. One obvious one: digital data is now akin to real estate. The more storage space you own, the more little digital cows you can farm. Now that we easily exceed terabytes, it is possible to store libraries full of information. At some point it gets a little ridiculous, as there is only so much information that we can consume in a lifetime, but it is a question of easy access. Additionally, now I don't need walls of tiny shelves to hold music and movies.
Some of us are teaching survivalists. We see the coming of the end of civilization as we know it and we are preparing ourselves. When we get even less money, and when the district technology allotment and the progams we are asked to use don't align to our philosophy, having a digital 'storehouse' might be a good idea. I know some teachers who don't store anything on district servers, as back-up failures have occurred and there is proprietary content in some lessons (not mine, mind you, I steal them from everywhere).
Another reason is, I believe that a home server will assist my teaching. It seems that digital systems are in constant flux, whereas, district technology is somewhat more static. I think with a home server, I would be able to create a website that could be used as a platform for my teaching. I could use it to host a moodle site. I could store all my teaching files so that I could have access anywhere. I suppose I've always dreamed of having my own smooth website as a resource for students. I'd like to buy a bunch of really cheap macs off of craigslist to accompany the four really cheap macs that the district has given me. If I could get even one computer for every two students I think I could really make something cool happen in my classroom.
Home servers.
I am interested in creating my own home server for a number of reasons. One obvious one: digital data is now akin to real estate. The more storage space you own, the more little digital cows you can farm. Now that we easily exceed terabytes, it is possible to store libraries full of information. At some point it gets a little ridiculous, as there is only so much information that we can consume in a lifetime, but it is a question of easy access. Additionally, now I don't need walls of tiny shelves to hold music and movies.
Some of us are teaching survivalists. We see the coming of the end of civilization as we know it and we are preparing ourselves. When we get even less money, and when the district technology allotment and the progams we are asked to use don't align to our philosophy, having a digital 'storehouse' might be a good idea. I know some teachers who don't store anything on district servers, as back-up failures have occurred and there is proprietary content in some lessons (not mine, mind you, I steal them from everywhere).
Another reason is, I believe that a home server will assist my teaching. It seems that digital systems are in constant flux, whereas, district technology is somewhat more static. I think with a home server, I would be able to create a website that could be used as a platform for my teaching. I could use it to host a moodle site. I could store all my teaching files so that I could have access anywhere. I suppose I've always dreamed of having my own smooth website as a resource for students. I'd like to buy a bunch of really cheap macs off of craigslist to accompany the four really cheap macs that the district has given me. If I could get even one computer for every two students I think I could really make something cool happen in my classroom.
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